Respondent, employment, and industry demographics

Whatever the AWS role, use our guide to benchmark your salary or contact rate, or to uncover what you should be paying employees in your team.

Who are our respondents, and where are they from?


United States  34%

Canada  4%

Other  2%

United Kingdom  17%

Germany  6%

Italy  3%

Sweden  3%

Other  12%

Nigeria  3%

South Africa  3%

Other  2%

India 9%

Australia 1%

Other  3%


*These results were taken from those respondents that specified their age.

18-24 years old
25-29 years old
30-34 years old
35-39 years old
40-44 years old
45-49 years old
50-54 years old
55-59 years old
60+ years old

Do you have a disability, or are you neurodivergent?


8% of respondents prefer not to specify whether they have a disability.


White or Caucasian 46%
Asian 20%
Black, African, or Caribbean 9%
Hispanic or Latino 5%
Mixed race or multiracial 3%
Arab 2%
Middle Eastern or North African 1%
Native American or Native Alaskan 1%
Sub-Saharan African 1%
Another ethnic group 2%
Unspecified ethnicity 11%

Education level

Some high school, no diploma, GCSEs, or equivalent 1%
High school graduate, diploma, A-level, or equivalent 7%
Some college credit, no degree 5%
Trade/technical/vocational training or qualification 3%
Associate degree 4%
Bachelor's degree 43%
Master's degree 35%
Doctorate or professional degree 3%
Some high school, no diploma, GCSEs, or equivalent 1%
High school graduate, diploma, A-level, or equivalent 7%
Some college credit, no degree 5%
Trade/technical/vocational training or qualification 3%
Associate degree 4%
Bachelor's degree 43%
Master's degree 35%
Doctorate or professional degree 3%
Of those that continued with further education and went on to undertake a degree, the main fields of study were:
0 %

Information Technology

0 %

Computer Science

0 %

Software Engineering

0 %


0 %


Security clearance

For respondents who have security clearance in both the US and the UK, their clearance levels are broken down like this:

US security clearance levels

Here is a breakdown of what levels they are cleared in the US:
Secret clearance 32%
TS/SCI-cleared (Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information) 32%
Public Trust 9%
TS/SCI-cleared (with Counterintelligence [CI] Polygraph) 9%
TS (Top Secret) Clearance 5%
TS/SCI-cleared (with Full Scope Polygraph [FSP]) 0%

14% of the cleared US respondents prefer not to specify their security clearance level, so it is possible that some of these respondents held Full Scope Poly clearance.

UK security clearance levels

Here is a breakdown of the levels of clearance in the UK:

Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS) 14%
Accreditation Check (AC) 0%
Counter Terrorist Check (CTC)/Level 1B 0%
Security Check (SC) 57%
Enhanced Security Check (eSC) 0%
Developed Vetting (DV) 29%
Enhanced Developed Vetting (eDV) 0%
NPPV3 0%
NPPV2 0%

On average, our respondents with security clearance received an 18% salary increase after obtaining each clearance level.


Respondents have stayed for an average of 5 years in each role throughout their career.

Years of experience

Overall work experience in the tech industry

On average, respondents have 16 years’ experience in the technology industry in total.

Let’s examine that in more detail:

Working experience with AWS in a commercial environment

On average, our respondents have five and a half years’ experience working with AWS in a commercial environment.

Let’s delve into that further:

Continue to read more about the types of organizations our respondents come from.

Employment status of respondents

Permanent - full-time
Permanent - part-time
On a sabbatical/career break

Employer type

End user (i.e. an AWS customer) 61%
AWS Consulting Partner 27%
AWS ISV (Independent Software Vendor) 4%
I work for AWS 8%

Which industries are represented?

IT services, software, and technology 33%
Financial services 9%
Consultancy/agency 7%
Other 51%
‘Other’ responses include professional services, banking and finance, and carriers/telecommunications.

What are the business models of the organizations represented?

0 %

Start-up organization

0 %


0 %

SMB (Small and Medium-sized Business)

0 %

SME (Small and Medium-sized Enterprise)

0 %

Large enterprise organization

0 %


Careers and Hiring Guide

AWS Edition 2025

Key Findings

Our key findings report contains highlights from this year’s Careers and Hiring Guide, plus our salary tables to allow you to compare your compensation or benchmark your teams’ salaries or rates no matter their role in the AWS ecosystem.

Get your free copy