Career spotlights

AWS Full Stack Developer

Whatever the AWS role, use our guide to benchmark your salary or contact rate, or to uncover what you should be paying employees in your team.

How much do Developers make?

United States ($)
United Kingdom (£)
Germany (€)
Lower quartile
United States ($)
United Kingdom (£)
Germany (€)
United States ($)
United Kingdom (£)
Germany (€)
Upper quartile
United States ($)
United Kingdom (£)
Germany (€)
135 (p/h)
710 (p/d)
785 (p/d)

* Survey responses in the remainder of this chapter are indicative only due to a limited number of Full Stack Developers participating in the survey.

0 %

of Full Stack Developers are satisfied with their job, down from 87% in our last study

0 %

of Full Stack Developers are satisfied with their salary, down from 54% in our last survey



Permanent Full Stack Developers work an average of 41 hours per week



Freelance Full Stack Developers work an average of 33 hours per week

What factors impact your earning potential as a Full Stack Developer?

We asked current AWS professionals the factors they felt were most important in upping your earning potential in that role.

Important Neutral Unimportant
Years of experience in IT 92% 6% 2%
Years of technical experience with AWS 88% 8% 4%
Exposure to large projects 87% 10% 2%
Specific vertical industry experience 63% 28% 9%
AWS certifications 57% 23% 21%
Working with AI 52% 32% 16%
College/University degree(s) 37% 31% 32%
We asked current AWS professionals what factors were most important in upping your earning potential in that role.

What factors impact your earning potential as a Full Stack Developer?

Years of experience in IT 92%
Years of technical experience with AWS 88%
Exposure to large projects 87%
Specific vertical industry experience 63%
AWS certifications 57%
Working with AI 52%
College/University degree(s) 37%
Years of experience in IT 6%
Years of technical experience with AWS 8%
Exposure to large projects 10%
Specific vertical industry experience 28%
AWS certifications 23%
Working with AI 32%
College/University degree(s) 31%
Years of experience in IT 2%
Years of technical experience with AWS 4%
Exposure to large projects 2%
Specific vertical industry experience 9%
AWS certifications 21%
Working with AI 16%
College/University degree(s) 32%

What steps should you take to become a Full Stack Developer


An obvious starting point for what you may need is qualifications, and 86% of Full Stack Developers hold at least a Bachelor’s degree. However, only 55% consider a degree to be an essential factor when it comes to increasing earning potential, and even less (33%) consider that a degree is needed to work with AWS.


AWS certifications are one of the best routes to training and upskilling there is. They don’t just equip you with the skills you need, but they also provide vendor-accredited validation of your knowledge too—making them a win for you, as well as those employing (or looking to employ) you as well.

Under half (45%, down from 52% in our last survey) of Full Stack Developers are certified. Still, only 20% of those have undergone recertification to maintain their AWS Certified Status, and 60% of certified respondents believe that certifications help candidates stand out in a competitive job market.

Roles that can lead on to becoming a Full Stack Developer

There’s no one single route that an AWS professional needs to take in order to become a Full Stack Developer, but some of the most common roles we see candidates starting their career in include: 

What skills and experience should Full Stack Developers have?

What are the opportunities for progression for a Full Stack Developer?

Full Stack Developer

Senior Full Stack Developer

Lead Developer


Development Manager / Product Manager

Enterprise Architect

Are you looking to hire an AWS professional?

Careers and Hiring Guide

AWS Edition 2025

Key Findings

Our key findings report contains highlights from this year’s Careers and Hiring Guide, plus our salary tables to allow you to compare your compensation or benchmark your teams’ salaries or rates no matter their role in the AWS ecosystem.

Get your free copy