A Tenth Revolution Group Company

It’s Here!  Our 2025 Careers and Hiring Guide: AWS Edition is Now Live

The much-anticipated 2025 instalment of our Careers and Hiring Guide is live—and for another year, you can explore this industry-leading market report online in its entirety! Oh, and did we mention it’s completely free?

Made up of over 24,000 validated data points, this year’s guide paints a detailed picture of market trends, career insights and the latest developments across the global AWS community​.

The report is jam-packed with unmissable insights and advice for AWS professionals, contractors, and hiring managers, from the most in-demand skills and new opportunities across the ecosystem to the steps employers must take to close skills gaps by attracting, retaining, and developing talent.

But don’t just take our word for it. The guide also features expert commentary from some of the AWS community’s top thought leaders, providing even more invaluable tips and actionable takeaways you can apply in your career or organization.

Of course, that’s not forgetting our highly sought-after salary tables, which return in our key findings report once again. Downloaded for free by over 2,000 professionals ​every year, our salary report enables you to benchmark your earnings against peers in your location or better understand the rates you should be paying your teams.

So what’re you waiting for? Download our key findings report to dive into our top-level insights and salary tables, and head over to the Careers and Hiring Guide to explore our comprehensive report in full today!

Here’s a sneak peek at what you can expect to learn:

69% of hiring managers believe there is an IT skills gap in the AWS community ​

The imbalance in the supply and demand for AWS professionals continues to create skills gaps in tech teams worldwide, posing significant challenges to organizations looking to deliver critical projects and stay on the cutting edge. How can employers navigate these obstacles and source the specialized knowledge and skills they need? And how can professionals leverage this demand to seize new career opportunities?  

58% of contractors tell us that finding new customers is their number one challenge

While the contract market offers unique opportunities for AWS professionals to explore freelance work—often with greater earning potential—over half of contractors find sourcing these opportunities their biggest challenge. What can AWS freelancers do to stand out from the crowd, earn more contracts, and get paid higher rates?

59% of respondents hold an AWS certification, up slightly from 58% in our last survey

Certifications remain highly regarded, with more certified professionals across the AWS community than 12 months prior. With almost three-fifths of AWS professionals holding at least one certification, it’s clear that they remain a valuable tool for increasing your marketability and validating technical skills and know-how in the eyes of employers. Which certifications do this most effectively, and for the 42% that aren’t yet accredited, how can you overcome the barriers stopping you?

61% of organizations have invested resources into equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) initiatives; this is down from 66% in our previous study

Amidst market instability and economic uncertainty, we’ve seen many organizations re-evaluate their budgets and spending—and unfortunately, it appears that this has come at the cost of investment in EDI initiatives for many. But EDI isn’t a one-and-done commitment. So what’s the current state of play for diversity across the AWS ecosystem, and what do organizations need to focus on to ensure they don’t undo all the good progress they’ve made so far in making the ecosystem inclusive to all?

60% of professionals are satisfied with their salary, compared to 64% in our previous survey ​

It’s perhaps unsurprising to see a drop in employee satisfaction surrounding compensation at a time when the cost of living is skyrocketing and employers are forced to keep a closer eye on their bottom line. But what is the potential impact this has on an employer’s ability to attract and retain top talent, could professionals increase their earning potential, either by negotiating a pay increase where they are, or by considering the options they have elsewhere?

Head over to our mini-site to explore the full Careers and Hiring Guide now

And don't forget to download the key findings including the latest salary tables below.